Adaptive security with instant loading pagespeed

Long-term reliability is essential to running a business in today’s economy. Avoid the unexpected or unforeseen costs that plague online life. Get managed services.
Plan ahead, it costs less.
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Get managed security

Fast forward 2-3 years: your business is on autopilot, yet you are in control. Your website is humming along, leads & customers are rolling in.

There hasn’t been a crisis or “website emergency” in ages, and all your charts are pointing up and to the right. Whimsical? The future is already here. Step into your future today.
Contact instantly

Get managed pagespeed

Fast forward 2-3 years: your business is on autopilot, yet you are in control. Your website is buzzing along, your customers are happy.

There hasn’t been a crisis or “website emergency” in ages, and all your charts are pointing up and green. Whimsical? The future is already here. Step into your future today.
Contact your online project manager

Order managed services

Fast forward 2-3 years: your business is on autopilot, yet you are in control. Your 3rd party integrations still work, your partners and your customers are happy.

There hasn’t been a crisis or “online emergency” in ages, and all your reports are OK and green. Whimsical? The future is already here. Step into your future today.

A message of gratitude and commitment

Csaba, Miklós
Csaba, Miklós
lead project manager
Dear Valued Clients,

I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings. At ultrai, we strive to provide exceptional products and services that meet your needs and exceed your financial expectations. Your loyalty and partnership have been instrumental in our growth and success. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to serve your business and be an integral part of your online journey.

Sincere thanks to each and every one of you who have entrusted us with the management of your online businesses and portfolios. I would like to express my honest and humble promise for your unwavering trust and transparency for years to come.

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A cup of coffee makes a difference ...

How wonderful would be to simply let others take care of your chores? We absolutely understand why you would want that. This is why we propose this unique campaign: the price of one cup of coffee for a managed service.
Start simply by contacting us with your selections: managed online © 2023 - 2024 – All rights reserved
We’re on an empowering mission for customers, who desire not to be transformed forcefully into IT experts.